Saturday, March 3, 2012

Even More Life Changes!

I swear, things have changed so much in the last year.  This time last year we weren't even thinking about buying a house, we weren't even thinking about kids, and we definitely weren't thinking about changing jobs.  Well, you already know how the whole baby and kids thing turned out so you're probably wondering about the jobs.

I resigned my position just over a week ago.  Crazy, I know.  This baby is just so big (90-95 percentile) and even though I have some meat on my bones I'm only 5'2, and she is doing a number on my back.  I work in a toddler classroom and am up and down off the floor all day everyday and most of my day is spent sitting in chairs meant for the two year old set.  Needless to say, I come home exhausted and sore.  So with a heavy heart I resigned my position as of March 15th.

* The gif is an accurate representation of my feelings about this whole thing ;)

I'm hoping to stay on the sub list for the center where I work, and I might start working with a friend at her in home daycare; but, spending more time at home will definitely be a change of pace.  I am very thankful that my hubby got a "salary readjustment" last month that makes up for some  of what I'm losing by quitting my job; but, it's enough.

I'm excited to have the time to really get the house in order and keep on top of our budget.  I'm excited to get everything ready for Emmaline's arrival.  I'm looking forward to more time to read again and to having enough energy to cook and bake again.  I'll also have time to blog more so hopefully I won't suck so much at it anymore :) (in fact I'm writing a few posts today and timing them to space out because I have so much I'm behind on).

I'm scared but excited all at the same time!

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