Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So Tired

I am so, very tired.  I'm not physically exhausted at all, I'm just so emotionally exhausted that I've actually gone to bed before 10 this week.  Quite unnatural for me.

It's all because we put an offer in on a house.  We had been planning to buy maybe the end of this year, or early next year; but, I always keep my eye on the houses for sale in the area and there was a house that was cheap enough that I felt we at least needed to check it out.  We checked it out, and the amount of work it needed just wasn't worth the price.  A friend of mine is a Realtor though and mentioned that there were some houses near her house for sale.  The first one we walked in, we fell in love with.  At least I did; hubby took a minute.  It was smaller, 3 bed 1 bath, but it was two lots so it had a huge yard.  It was well maintained with new carpet and paint, and it isn't a foreclosure which is even better.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Books 6-12

So, it's not like anyone has noticed, but I haven't done a book blog post in quite some time.  Oops.  I promised to do one for every five books I've read, unfortunately I haven't.  I've read more than 5 books; but, it kind of got daunting having to do a review for 5 books.  I have now decided to do one for every book I read.  I haven't read as fast this year so it's not like it would be ten a week or something crazy, so that's what it'll be from now on.  Now carry on for reviews for books 6-12. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Light Up Shoes

Confession: I may or may not have bought light up shoes today.  Oh, let's be honest, I totally bought light up shoes today.

I have been blessed with small enough feet that I can wear kids sized shoes.  I am also of the opinion, that sometimes, kids shoes are a lot more fun than adult shoes.  They are also, frequently, much cheaper.

Today we, hubby and I, ventured out to get a juicer and dog food and along the way we stopped at Payless because I had received a 20% off coupon at the grocery store last week.  Adding sweetness to the deal was the fact that Payless was having a buy 1, get 1 half off deal.  I'm a girl, I had to look, and ever since I found out I could still wear kids shoes a few months back, I always look at their shoes first.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Good, The Bad,...and the Burrito?

Let's have a recap of the last few days.

I prefer to go against form and start with the bad.  I ALMOST DIED WHILE RIDING MY BIKE BACK FROM WORK TODAY!  And for once, I'm not exaggerating. First off, I realized that my front breaks were cater wonky.  My back brakes were fine, but my front brakes were too tight.  Whenever I braked with my front brakes they would stay tight even when I released the grip.  Then they would stick to the tire and made a god awful noise.  At one point I couldn't get the noise to stop so I called the hubby to come and get me but no answer.  Which was a bummer because the death defying incident started just a few moments later.

I got the brakes to suck a little bit less and got the noise to stop.  I just knew that I had stay away from my front brakes for the rest of the bike ride home.  I made it over the pedestrian overpass that is my half way point at which point I safely entered a roundabout.  Ahead of me I saw two cars waiting to enter the roundabout and slowed down so that the first one would have room to enter.  The second car didn't have room to enter so usually they would wait their turn, but this one came right in.  It was way too close to me so I had to slow down and steer my bike into the no car zone.  Well, at this point I realized that this person must not have seen me because they bring their car into the no car zone (so they are a bad driver in general to boot).  Anyway, longer story short, I finally screamed when the car was within 6 inches of me.  The driver just stared at me and stopped while everyone at the cafe shop across the way stared at us.  I was so angry I just rode away without hollering at them.  I made it home safe and sound, but it wad definitely unsettling. 

Now for the good:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweets: 1 Gina: 1

So, I have officially decided that sugar and I are in a love hate relationship.  I currently love sweets but they apparently hate me what with the havoc they have directed at my self control.

See, we started out okay, me and sweets.  I gave them up for Lent and made it a FULL 46 days without them.  I didn't even cheat a tiny bit.  Even when presented with bite sized cupcakes.  I pretended I was Wonder Woman and used my bracelets to reject the cupcake onslaught.

Alas, Lent ended and I decided that sweets and I could be friends again.  I WAS WRONG!!!!   Sweets are apparently very bitter that I gave them up and are working hard to remind me that I can't eat just a little bit.  I need to eat more, and more, and MORE, and MORE.  I write this after eating 2 bowls of ice cream.  Yes, I will be honest.  The most frustrating part is that sweets are really the only thing I'll binge on.

And thus, I have made my choice.  Sweets and I have broken up for the time being.  There may be the occasional relations for holidays and other special events; but, otherwise me and my waist line are saying SUCK IT! and we're looking to start seeing fruits more seriously.  

The end.