Sunday, April 24, 2011

Triple Cookie Cupcakes

My 46 days without sweets has officially ended!  During that time I lost 5 pounds, learned my sweet tooth isn't as bad as I thought, and didn't bake because when I bake I have to try what I make (duh!).

So in my crazy head, I decided to bake on Saturday so I would have (hopefully) delicious cookies ready in time for having sweets again.  Let me tell you, it's really, really, ridiculously hard not to lick frosting off your hand when it gets on you.  At one point the loving husband stared at me as I sprinted towards the sink to spit the frosting out that I had accidentally stuck in my mouth.  Didn't make that mistake again.

Anywho, I combined a couple different recipes to make what I'm going to call my Triple Cookie Cupcakes.  Those 3 cookies?  Chips ahoy, Oreo, and last name: Monster, first name: Cookie.

Click the jump to admire their awesomeness!

On Saturday four people tried them, and loved them.  I was so antsy to try one and almost stayed up until midnight just to do so.  But after my dog was attacked by a raccoon I thought sleep was a better life choice.  This morning, I woke up, tried one, and concurred with everyone else.  They are yummy in my tummy.

I know, it's hard not to smile when you look at them.  Everything but the frosting is made from scratch, so if you're so inclined to know how to make them, just let me know.  :)  I don't feel like typing out the recipe unless others are interested.

Oh how I missed baking.  More to come soon.

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