Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Delicious "Breadsticks" and A Sweets Fast

I made a delicious new recipe for garlic bread sticks this weekend.  I got it from Cheeky Kitchen and oh my goodness were they heavenly.  They were also super easy to make! 

You need:
2 cups of water
1/4 cup sugar
A packet of yeast
3 +/- cups of flour
1 tsp. garlic power (I double that but we <3 garlic)
1 tbsp. sea salt
1 stick of butter
a bit of fresh parsley if so inclined.

1) Pour 2 cups of warm water in a glass bowl.  Add in a packet of yeast and pour the sugar on top of that.  Stir slightly and let it sit for 15 minutes.  It should be foamy at this point.  If it's not, you failed, but it's okay.  Try again!  We had to!  Also, preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

2) Mix in the flour 1/4 or 1/2 cup at a time.  Now the original recipe says 3 cups of flower, but I ended up needing quite a bit more.  Just make sure the mixture is not too sticky or too hard and brick like.

3) Take a piece of the mixture (about the size of a SMALL apple) and roll it into a long worm like shape.  Then fold that in half, twist it together and put it on a parchment lined baking sheet.

4) Let the dough rice for about 15-30 minutes and then pop it in the oven. 

5) Bake it for 5 minutes at 300 and then at 400 for 7-10 or longer if needed.
Ours took longer because I made them GIANT and I was punished by them taking longer.

6) Mix everything else in that butter (melted) and pour over the sticks!

Admire the delicious!

In other curls & cake news, I'm giving up half of my name for the next 40 days.  No cake, or any other sweets for the next 40 days.  Yes, that's not the spirit of Lent, but I'm not a practicing Catholic anymore either.  I wasn't planning on giving anything up, but my lovely lady coworkers convinced me.  They are all giving up sweets too and they figure this way we can all be cranky forever.

I'm down for it though.  I have the biggest sweet tooth in the world and that's the main thing I over eat.  I'm hoping that 40 days without it will kick some of my sweet craving to the curb.  Ready for it.

Also, as of tomorrow I'll be halfway through 30 Day Shred!  Yes, I have stuck with it.  No, you don't get stats.  No stats for you.  I've continued to eat too much this last week with hubby being out of town so I haven't seen any difference; at least I'm a lot stronger now though.

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