The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I'll start by saying that I'm not really a fan of dystopian novels as a general rule. I'm also not a fan of novels set in the future. Just not my cup of tea. I probably would have never picked this book off of a shelf at the bookstore on my own. However, I've been hearing about it incessantly for a few months now and decided I might as well read it.
I'm glad I did give in too, because I actually really enjoyed it. Was it the best book I've ever read? No. Did it keep my attention? Yes. In fact, I read it through in two days. Part of that was thanks to my Kindle. It's amazing how much faster I read when I'm reading on the computer or on the Kindle. (I'll admit, I read Twilight in one sitting one night after downloading a PDF. It's embarrassing. Don't judge.)
I thought the characters were very interesting and well developed. I was a fan of Haymitch and Cinna personally. The first because I'm a fan of watching crazy drunk people and apparently I enjoy reading about them too; especially when they have a heart of gold. The latter, because I like to picture him as a very fabulous gay man.
The main characters were interesting too and I really appreciated the depth Ms. Collins went into when creating the relationship between Peeta and Katniss. Same goes for all of Katniss's relationships really.
Also, you can't help but love a book that has an empowered girl with some usable life skills. At least Katniss doesn't require constant rescuing like a certain vampire loving, bird last name having character of another popular (already mentioned) teen novel. Bow and arrow skills are something I've wished I had more use for since I first tried it out in seventh grade physical education. Also, that much love for your family is always a noble trait.
Overall, I'd give the book an 8/10. If it had some more humor I'd probably have rated it higher.
Would I recommend it you ask? Yup! I already made the hubby read it on a flight he took last week. Even if the subject matter is not your cup of tea I'd encourage you to read it. It's not my cup of tea in general; but, I still liked it. You might too. At the very least, even if you hate it, you'll know what everyone is talking about by the time the movie comes out later this month.
Next Up/Currently Reading: Flapper by Joshua Zeitz
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