I was really excited to become an Independent Scentsy Consultant, and I still am; but, over the course of this past week I've realized that I'm going to have to build a customer base without the help of my friends. Not a single one of my friends has ordered anything through my Launch Party, not even the ones who said they would. Am I disappointed? Absolutely. Am I surprised? Not really.
I think, to an extent, my generation is skeptical of direct selling companies. I'm a woman in her mid-twenties and I'm a go getter. I want to work hard and make a success of myself. Do I think I'm going to become rich this way? No. I don't even anticipate making any sort of income this way either. Although it can be done, my goal is just a little extra spending money. This is a way for me to take charge of an area of my life and earn some extra vacation cash for my growing family.
I don't think most people view direct sales in this way. I think most people I know would throw it under the category of "scam". It's not a scam; but, I think with the job market the way it is people are just so skeptical about anything that isn't a desk job. Also, I think if you're a girl, you grew up with your mom going to Tupperware parties and candle parties. I think there are many people who view direct selling as passe and relate it to those obnoxious pink Cadillacs.
Also, people my age are broke. It's a fact. They can absolutely afford the products; but, nobody these days wants to take the risk on something they aren't familiar with. Most of my peers are done with college but still trying to figure it out. Some are working at mindless jobs while they figure out their lives and others are in the throes of grad school and up to their ears in student loans. My husband and I are in a unique position where we aren't in either of those categories which gives me a different perspective, and I'll admit, it's sometimes hard for me to remember that not everyone is in the same position as us.
All that being said, it's been a discouraging start; but, I'm not giving up. I'm a fighter, I don't like to admit defeat, and I'm selling a phenomenal product. It's a product I believe in and it's just time to get creative. I plan to continue to log my adventures, and probable missteps, in this direct selling world for anyone who is interested. I think by the end of the year, my posts about my business will be very different.
And hey, if you're interested, hit up my site SLOScents :) At this rate, you could be my first sale! ;)
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