Ever since I went through school (I have a B.S. in Child Development) I've wanted to have as natural a birth as possible. Unfortunately for me, I was born with a heart condition that makes everyone worry and, although I haven't had any problems with it, everyone wants me to give birth in a hospital to make sure I'm safe if something goes wrong. If I had my way, I'd be giving birth in a birth center.
Despite the fact that for this birth I'm stuck with a hospital I'm hoping to have as natural of a birth as I can still be allowed. I don't want an epidural, I don't want to be induced, I don't want an episiotomy, and I definitely don't want a cesarean section if at all possible. To further this goal, I've been lurking forums that highlight natural, unmedicated childbirth. In doing so, I found out about Ina May's book.