So, I've always heard about nesting. That instinct, or perhaps compulsion, pregnant women seem to get where they feel the need to clean, rearrange, or completely redecorate their house. I always thought it was a silly idea and figured it didn't happen to most people.
Well, I can without a doubt say it has hit me. When the new year started I decided that I wanted to get on top of keeping our house clean again. Part of that means having to do chores. I don't like chores. They make my heart sad. I'd much rather watch TV or read. However, I figured getting the house organized now, and getting in the habit of keeping it that way, would make it easier to keep it that way once the baby come.
To help me accomplish this goal, I downloaded the Motivated Mom's app for my phone. I had it last year and didn't really use it; but, I'm determined to make the most of it this year. It's actually really nice. It tells you what chores to do each day and even puts in chores you don't really think about like cleaning the baseboards or washing the walls. Also, it spaces out the chores fairly evenly which makes it so that you don't have one day during the week where you just have a ton to do. I also like it because you can assign chores to specific people and color code them to match to that person. You can also add chores of your own creation and set them at regular intervals or delete the chores they include if you don't do them.
I've had the app since Monday and I have to say, our house is looking nice. In fact, on Wednesday my MIL (mother-in-law) who lives with us wondered if we were having guests coming since we were doing so much cleaning. Honestly, the house is probably in the best shape it's been in since we moved in last July. I got so wrapped up in cleaning that last night I finished all my chores and then felt like I hadn't done enough. I just wanted to keep cleaning. I blame the baby. It's easy to blame things on the baby. :) Probably one of my favorite parts of being pregnant.
Plus, now that the house is all spiffy, I'll try to remember to take those pictures of our house that I promised ages ago and you can check them out.